Quell Pain Relief ئاپەکان

Quell Relief 3.1.1
Quell Pain Relief
Reclaim your life from chronic pain with Quell® Wearable PainRelief Technology™. Quell is a revolutionary 100% drug free systemthat uses patented neurotechnology to block chronic pain. Quell isFDA cleared for 24/7 use. To learn more about Quell or to purchaseyour Quell device, visit www.quellrelief.com. This is the QuellRelief app, designed for advanced personalization and control ofyour Quell device. Utilizing Bluetooth® Smart technology to connectyour Quell to your smartphone or tablet, you can control yourdevice and track your therapy, sleep, pain levels, and activity.After pairing your Quell device to the Quell Relief app, you willbe able to: • Calibrate Quell to your precise needs • Start, stopand adjust therapy • Track the status of your current therapysession, or see how long you have until the next therapy willstart. • You will be able to track your therapy, sleep, activityand pain levels. You will be able see up to two years of data atintervals from 1 day to 3 months. • Gain insights into your therapyand sleep trends. Learn more about your therapy sessions andmonitor 8 dimensions of sleep that include your time asleep, sleepquality, leg movements, position changes, and time out of bed. •Track pain levels and activity, which can provide insight into painmanagement and overall health. • Personalize therapy. Select fromvarious stimulation patterns, sleep modes, and more. • Trackweather changes that may impact pain and adjust therapyaccordingly. • Check your battery life. On the therapy screen, youwill be able to click on the battery icon and see the level ofbattery you have left, so that you can see when it will be time tocharge the device. • Check your electrode life. On the therapyscreen, you will be able to click on the electrode icon and see howmuch longer you will be able to use your current electrode, beforereplacing it with a new one. • Connect to the Quell Health Cloud.Your therapy and tracking data will be backed up to a secureserver. De-identified data from the Quell Health Cloud may beanalyzed to help improve the Quell services. NOTE: The Quell Reliefapp only works in combination with the Quell Pain Relief device. Ithas been designed to enhance your Quell experience. The Quelldevice is available for sale in the United States. Version 3.0 ofthe Quell app is compatible with prior versions of the Quellfirmware, but not all features are accessible on older devices. TheQuell Relief app works on Android devices that support Bluetooth LEand are running Android 6 or later. To learn more about Quell or topurchase a Quell device, visit www.quellrelief.com.
Quell Flex 1.0.0
Quell Pain Relief
After pairing their Quell Flex devices to the Quell Flex app,userscan: - Start and stop therapy - Control stimulation intensity-Check therapy status (e.g., time left in session) - Checkdevicebattery level - Review informational videos and othermaterialsrelated to the devices
Quell Fibromyalgia 1.0.1
Quell Pain Relief
Quell Fibromyalgia helps reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia.
Quell Flex App 1.0.5
Quell Pain Relief
Quell Flex Application